1st Year Medicine at the University of Manchester (part 2)

So, I realise its been far too long since part 1 to this blog came out, but better late than never I guess. COVID threw a curveball to my first year at medical school, but I am going to continue this blog like the last and talk about medicine at Manchester in pre-pandemic times…

1st Year Medicine at the University of Manchester (part 1)

Medicine, although covers the same basics at all universities, differs in the way in which it is taught from one university to the next. This can make it a difficult decision when deciding on a medical school to spend 5 years at. As such, I am using this blog in part 1 and 2 toContinue reading “1st Year Medicine at the University of Manchester (part 1)”

Books I recommend on starting medical school

To buy or not to buy is the question! It’s always the same on starting a new chapter in your education, but never more so than on starting medical school – the content you cover and the level of learning you complete is massive and as such its often met with people questioning whether toContinue reading “Books I recommend on starting medical school”

What am I nervous/excited for upon starting medical school?

As requested by some of my lovely Instagram followers, I have decided that it is about the right time to sit back and really think about the things that have me nervous for medical school and those that make me unable to contain my excitement. I thought a list-style might be best for this typeContinue reading “What am I nervous/excited for upon starting medical school?”