It’s hard to know where to start – since I last wrote a blog a lot has gone on, and a lot of amazing things have happened. It’s safe to say that my life is great!! Since the last time you heard from me, I handed in my dissertation (which at that moment did feelContinue reading “WOW…”

3rd year here I come…

As I pack the last remaining clothes, nic-naks and photographs of the summer ready to take back to uni with me on Sunday I am filled with overwhelming feelings. When away from home I miss my family and my home girlfriends like CRAZZZZYYYY (and this time I will be missing my favourite guy like maddddd), but IContinue reading “3rd year here I come…”

A day in the life of a second year Biomed during exam season

While exam season is NOT the best time of the academic year (for most anyway), it is necessary. But that does not mean that you cannot have fun or are not able to spend time with your friends; it can be quite easy to plan your time during exam period so that you don’t endContinue reading “A day in the life of a second year Biomed during exam season”